Oversight and Operational Efficiency

Productivity and quality management system is an integral aspect of any of the PV operations team which is dealing with the dedicated end to end ICSR case processing activities. There are additional resources deployed for only tracking purposes for the quality and productivity of each user which will result in more costing and more amount of manual efforts with more time consumption.

As it is an integral part of the performance management system which involves tracking of the quarterly, half yearly, and yearly quality and productivity of whole ICSR case processing team (Data entry) with the perspective of annual appraisals.


Why PvEdge®?

PvEdge® offers an efficient 1st in class solutions for the measurement of quality and productivity data of the specific user within the defined interval of time as per requirement of performance appraisals.

Operational productivity monitor

User specific productivity can be easily fetched with help of Workflow efficiency module of PvEdge®.

Operational quality monitor

Globally with various prominent clients (service providers & MAH), an ICSR case quality (accuracy) can be measured in different ways, the major ways of measuring it are case level accuracy and field level accuracy.

PvEdge® offers an efficient solution to measure both the case level and field level quality through its Quality check list module.

Globally ICSR case quality (accuracy) can be measured in different ways, the major ways of measuring it are below,
1. Case level accuracy
2. Field level accuracy

In QC checklist module, there is defined formula for mapping both of above quality aspects:
Cumulative case level analysis: 100-((Total error score x 100)/ (Total cases QCed x Total of reference score))
Where Total cases QCed= Sum of total cases with error and without error.
Field wise formula: 100 – [ (SumOfTotalErrorValue * 100) / (327)]

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