Use Case

PubMed Text Data Mining

PubMed TDM

Pharmacovigilance relies heavily on processing scientific literature to identify potential safety issues. PubMed is a key database for this purpose, providing access to a vast collection of medical and scientific articles.....


In pharmacovigilance, organizations often face challenges such as duplicate cases, missed deadlines, and high volumes of cases. This can lead to inefficiencies and delays in case processing, resulting in compliance risks and.....


In pharmacovigilance, for every drug-event combination, different countries or regulatory agencies are required to check the appropriate label. Doing this manual takes a lot of time and can easily lead to mistakes, affecting the.....


In the domain of pharmacovigilance, handling and consuming vast amounts of literature is essential in pharmacovigilance. PvEdge's Literature Access Module (LAM) has proven invaluable in retrieving relevant articles......


Nowadays, with the rapid development of new medications and the increasing complexity of healthcare systems, ensuring medication safety is more critical than ever. Traditional methods of monitoring safety often rely .......


Now-a-days Regulatory bodies like USFDA, EU strive to remain in competitive market, wants pharma companies to submit PADERs regularly to monitor the safety of marketed drugs as it mitigates risks and ensure patient safety.......
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